About Springboard Biodiesel
Developing innovative technology for anyone to produce their own clean biofuel.

Mission Statement
Springboard Biodiesel LLC, incorporated in 2008, is a biodiesel equipment manufacturer that is leading the way in developing a vibrant, small-scale biodiesel production industry. The company has been enabling schools, restaurants, municipalities, farmers, cooperatives, and anyone who has access to vegetable or animal oils to convert that oil, 50 to 100 gallons at a time, into premium-grade biodiesel for an average cost of $US 1.15 per gallon. Currently, Springboard has a network of active customers that extends through 38 countries and into all 50 states. The heart of this network is a patented device called The BioPro™. If you can operate a washing machine, you can operate a BioPro.
As the network expands, we are focused on delivering the most innovative biodiesel products and technologies that enable local biodiesel production from the widest array of feed stocks. By allowing our customers to make biodiesel from multiple sources (virgin oil seed crops, animal oils, and waste vegetable oil), we help them minimize their costs and earn a truly compelling economic return for an environmentally beneficial fuel. With this combination of benefits as our tailwind, our goal is to make biodiesel the preferred fuel, not just the alternative.

Research & Development
Springboard's R&D efforts are on-going, and as we grow our presence in the small-scale arena, we look forward to soon producing and selling our own ASTM-certified biodiesel here in Chico, CA. Thanks to some clever engineering and help from the California Energy Commission, we have developed a 1,000 gallon per day automated system that enables us to process a wide array of local feedstocks into ASTM-grade biodiesel. Because this is a modular system with a zero-waste footprint, we look forward to offering our BioPro™ power-users the opportunity to pair select glycerin and methanol purification modules with their existing systems to create local, low-cost production systems that generate zero waste.
Partners & Awards
Leading the way in developing a vibrant, small-scale biodiesel production industry.

Clean Tech Partner Program
Springboard Biodiesel, LLC has been selected by Autodesk, one of the world's premier software companies, as a member of its Clean Tech Partner program. Springboard Biodiesel, LLC and Autodesk are working together to help solve the energy challenges of today and tomorrow.

Member of AASHE
Springboard is an active member of AASHE (The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) and currently has BioPros on the campuses of 101 different colleges and universities.

Member of the National League of Cities
Springboard is also a member of the National League of Cities and is proud to be working with municipalities around the country to convert FOG (Fats, Oils and Grease) into ASTM grade biodiesel.

Winner, California Energy Commission Grant
2012 – Springboard Biodiesel, LLC wins a grant from the California Energy Commission to help with the building of a 1000-gallon-per-day fuel producing facility in Chico.

BioPro EX Biodiesel Honored
2012 – Springboard's BioPro EX biodiesel processor is honored with a Kitchen Innovations Award from the National Restaurant Association in Chicago in May.

North State Innovations Award
2012 – Springboard Wins a North State Innovations "Green Innovations" Award.

U.S Department of Agriculture's California Rural Innovation Awards
2010 – One of four recipients of the US Department of Agriculture's California Rural Innovation Awards. Springboard Biodiesel's CEO, Mark Roberts, accepted the award on behalf of the Company and noted "We are honored to have our small-scale biodiesel processing technologies publicly recognized by the USDA. We have had increasing success helping farmers find alternative solutions to their energy needs, and we are happy that all of our farming customers have successfully incorporated biodiesel into their operations at a price that is less than what they were paying for diesel".

Innovation of the Year, Chico Chamber of Commerce
2010 – Springboard Biodiesel’s CEO Mark Roberts won the “Innovator of the Year” award, April 2010, from the Chico Chamber of Commerce.